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If you are familiar with, “drama non-participation,” then this book is too easy for you. If not, then maybe you just have time to read the contents, practice with a friend, and then enjoy a trouble free holiday.
If you know you’re about to be, criticized, ridiculed, and guilt-tripped,” then these tips should help you survive the encounter. They work equally well for Christmas as they do for Thanksgiving, or any other gathering of potentially hostile people. This will help you change the devastating into merely irritating.
Tip number 9 is my favorite: learn to appreciate the comedy, the only path to sanity and survival, and I always find alliteration amusing: “frightful family feast.”
Lastly, if you’re a writer, there’s an amazing “cast of characters,” which should provide rich literary pickings. It’s impossible to read this book and not imagine each participant’s role in your next murder mystery. A quick enjoyable read available from NoiseTrade. Thanks Dr. Alan.
You can check out more assistance at People Problems.